
Polk County Missouri
September 2022

 “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

A mustard seed of faith wins the race.


What race? What are we racing against? In my quiet time I was presented with: self, myself. I am racing against myself.

Against problems.

Against trials.

Against His promises.

During my quiet time I was made aware that I cannot praise Jesus one moment and the next wrestle in fear over circumstances. I asked for forgiveness in my superficial praise. He took me down memory lane, showing me that while I may have superficially praised Him upon occasion, he never left me.

He reminded me...

...that I prayed for a home. One we will grow to love. A home to bring the family together as the teenage boys have drifted from us. The housing market has been brutal. The home we purchased was not fully represented well and we were met with so many issues. We still haven’t moved in! However, the boys are painting their rooms. They have had to learn basic construction. They are asking if we can move together soon so we may sit at the kitchen table and enjoy dinner as a family. Their sweat equity is giving them a new appreciation for our home. They are talking with each other. Reaching out to us. No longer do they feel estranged. 

Jesus said, “I found you a home. Your family was not ready for a move-in-ready home.”

...I prayed for less busy. I reflected that had we moved into a move- in-ready home, how busy would I have been? Knowing me, unpacking and getting everything just right would have consumed my time. 

Jesus said, “You are exactly where you are supposed to be at this moment. Your focus has been prayer and I have heard you.”

...I have prayed for a job in the same location as our home, that I would have a say in scheduling, and a family atmosphere. October 3rd I start a job that is in the town we are moving to, I am in charge of scheduling and so far appears to be family oriented. It’s completely out of my comfort zone but the owner believes in me so much that she’s working with me around our housing situation.

Jesus said, “I heard you. Trust me. You will still get to teach but it will look differently.” 

...I have prayed for our dwindling savings to be enough for the repairs that once seemed impossible. At this moment, many hands are in our home helping. 

Jesus said, “A mustard seed of faith wins the race.”

I am humbled to have met Jesus in my quiet time. To walk memory lane with Him without shame but to walk in grace.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I am humbled.

I am in awe.

I never dreamed this is how our move would look. He indeed answered my prayers but the way it happened and some of the outcome is drastically different from what I had in mind. He knew what we didn’t need and He knew what we needed. 

When trials come, and they will, trust that the Lord has you. Do not stand on your own thoughts or desires, think of them as hurdles, slowing you down. Prayers will be answered, when the time is right, in the best way for you, family, and friends.


Thank you for this moment with you. For reminding me that through trials our endurance strengthens. Thank you for showing mercy as I cried and had several pity parties in quiet. Thank you for standing beside my husband, hand on his shoulder, guiding him. I praise your promises and how you keep them! I praise how you always make a way! I praise how devoted you are to your children. May my walk be a witness to others.


1 comment:

  1. I know the journey has been a long and exhausting one. While this is not the path we envisioned for our move and settling into our family home, bless you Lord for you know what we need and you provide those needs to us.
