Little Things

Houston, Mo
October 2022

 Life can get busy. Our “To Do” lists double and triple in size. Ignoring phone calls becomes easier and easier. Our vision becomes tunneled and soon all we see is...ourselves.

“He who is faithful in a very little thing is also faithful in much; and he who is dishonest in a very little thing is also dishonest in much.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭16:10‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Today I was given the vision of a mansion with everything I’ve ever wanted. Then I was told to look around at my current home. A home that has a long story behind it, one I’ve grumped over and have not been overly grateful to own, even knowing that I prayed for a home and He told me not to worry. I didn’t think much about this moment. Sure I spent a moment to ooh and ahh over my dream home. Then I looked at mine and in a quick huff, I remember rolling my eyes feeling overwhelmed with everything wrong with it. I continued working on my “To Do” list. 

This evening, while I was watching TV curled up in a blanket I noticed how cold I felt. My son assured me he was not cold and it was just me feeling cold. And in that moment, I had a vision of me, outside, no shelter, no blanket, just cold. Immediately, I asked the Lord for forgiveness in my attitude over our home. I praised Him for His unfailing love and wise counsel. I thanked Him for the opportunities we are having to love on this home He chose for us.

Before I settle in to sleep, I read His word and tonight Luke 16:10 was waiting for me.

I met hard truth tonight, didn’t I? Hallelujah! A reminder to have faith in little and in much. This home is offering teachable moments, faithful moments. 

I have taken my own prayers for granted. I have walked right over moments to have faith. Instead, I have had expectations. 

The Lord loves us so much that He checks in and counsels when we skip moments of humbleness, when we question His faithfulness, when we lose sight of gratefulness, when we try to make the Earth move on our own.

I encourage a moment to look around and notice all that He has offered. To recognize where He has met you in your prayer and faith, to praise His name for what has been given. To declare that you will seek faithfulness in the little things. 

Lord- I declare that as we continue to complete small projects in our home, I will lift my faith up to you and be humbled as each room is finished. I declare that my faith will grow as our projects become larger. I will lift up each project to you in prayer and ask for wisdom as we discern what it is you would like for us to learn. I declare that I will walk in faith and not in expectation.

“Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.””

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Megan for encouraging me with your honest views on your new home and to see God at work in you and for you!! It is reminding me to be joyful even though the circumstances may be frustrating to me!! Love you Friend! Keep your eyes on Jesus and praise Him in the waves!!
