
Texas County, Missouri
November 2022

Content. A word commonly used. Typically said by mother’s of young children, “let’s be content with what we have”. Am I right? I laugh as I think about the times my mother would say those very words to me and how often I’ve said similar to my own kids. 

But are we content? 

Are we living a fulfilled life with what we have? Are we appeased with evenings at home, eating what we have in the kitchen? Are we satisfied with our wardrobe? Vehicle? Bank account? 

The other day I was in my bathroom and took a good look at the shower curtain I had purchased for the home we recently moved into. I’ve lived here almost two months. There are three verses on my curtain and I’ve only noticed two of them. 

“Not that I speak from [any personal] need, for I have learned to be content [and self-sufficient through Christ, satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or uneasy] regardless of my circumstances.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭11‬ ‭AMP‬‬

While the verse on my curtain is more condensed, it still packs a conviction. 

No matter the circumstance, are you content? Are you living aligned in Christ Jesus, to express that in whatever circumstance you are enduring, right now, that it is well with your soul?

If you can say yes, then Amen sister! Praise the Lord faithful servant. 

If you said no, it’s going to be okay. You are loved. He’s going to love you and show you that you can be truly satisfied in only Him. I know because that is my current journey. I didn’t realize this was a part of my walk until I read the third verse in my shower curtain!

Not long after, I heard MercyMe’s song “Even If”. That song hits so many feels. It hit me differently after I read Philippians 4:11. It gave me great pause to ask, “at what point will I ever be content?”.  Then one of my favorite lines, “it is well with my soul” answered my question. Now. Now is the time. Now is the time to give everything to God and rest on a mustard seed of faith.

No matter what is happening, when we focus on the Lord, nothing else matters. We may not get answers we want, but we can be content in our circumstances, and know that all is well. We have a God who remains constant through it all. Who provides endless hope, who gives abundant love. 


  1. Let’s all remember to be “content” with what we have, because it has been provided by our Lord.

  2. Ironically, "content" when said "CONtent has to deal with items that are within...hope this makes sense.
