
“He heals the wounds of every shattered heart.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭147‬:‭3‬ ‭TPT‬‬

This verse struck me today. He heals the wounds of EVERY shattered heart. Not just some hearts, but EVERY heart. My heart, your heart, our enemies’ heart. 

If you’re hurting, write your hurts down on a piece of paper. This is an act of offering your pain, burdens to the Lord. Then place them in a jar or maybe even light a match to the paper. This is releasing and letting go the burdens that is causing your heart to shatter. You cannot take them back once you release them. 

Allow God to heal what’s been shattered. He has a plan for you, one of hope (Jeremiah 23:11). Jesus says to come to Him, all who are burdened for He gives rest (Matthew 11:28-30).

Let the pain go so your shattered heart can be healed. If we hang on to our pain, we get in the way of a beautiful healing. We are not meant to carry our burdens.

He heals the wounds of EVERY shattered heart. Not just some hearts, but EVERY heart. My heart, your heart, our enemies’ heart. 

Will you allow Jesus to pick up your pieces and make your heart new?


Thank you for walking beside each one of us in our pain. Knowing you want to heal our shattered hearts leaves me in awe and wonder at the depth of your love for us.  I ask that each heart that is hurting finds their way to you and hears your gentle voice speak their name. 


From papa’s place, Summer 2022

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