Seeking Wonder in Sadness

A new beginning…
Texas County, Missouri
February 2023

 “Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am in distress. Tears blur my eyes, my body and soul are withering away. I am dying from grief; my years are shortened by sadness. sin has drained my strength; I am wasting away from within.” 

Psalms 31: 9-10 NLT

At one time, I would have read Psalms 31:9-10 and focused on despair, pain, and grief. I would have wallowed in the feeling and sadness. To be honest, if that’s where you are today, it’s absolutely okay. It’s okay to resonate with David’s words as you sob. 

Today, I read Psalms 31:9-10 with wonder and hope. I read it knowing my words to the Lord are not ignored, my plea for mercy is heard. He’s not left me alone in my grief, my sadness. As I cry out, He is drying my tears, taking it all in. Allowing my strength to melt into Him because He knows my strength isn’t enough. He patiently waits for me to just let go so He can give in a mighty way.

“…I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”     

Psalms 32:8 NLT

He hears.

He knows.

Give Him your pain.

Give Him your grief.

He has so much more for you to experience. 

Cry out. Heal up. Praise His name.


I lift up all who are hurting and withering in despair. I pray they hear your voice. I pray for healing to begin and a love for you to flourish. 


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