
Texas County, Mo
March 2023

The other day a client came in excited about what God has done in his life. He was jubilant in counting his blessings and praising God every step of the way. He shared his joy, quoted scripture, and praised Jesus. 

This client blessed me deeply as he boldly shared his love for God. Each word released God’s power and the Holy Spirit fell on me. There was a significant difference in me before he walked in versus when he left. 

Later that evening, I reflected how often I boldly testify. The hard truth is that I am lacking in this area and allow fear to hold me back. 

“For God has not given us a Spirit of Fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord.”

2 Timothy 1:7-8

I have missed out on blessing others with the joy of God, face to face conversation, praising Him for what he’s done in my life. I have missed out on sharing His praises with others who do not know Him. I can make a change right now, right here, and ask Jesus to teach me how to boldly testify. 

Will you join and boldly testify what Jesus is doing in your life?

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