
Easter Cactus
Texas County, Mo
April 2023

If I do not utilize a “To Do” list, I often forget plans I’ve made, do not manage my time for projects, lose myself in what I want to get done. In other words, I’m a mess! I often relate to the phrase, “Jesus loves this hot mess.

We need to be careful with the words we speak over ourselves. 

In my quiet time, Jesus never calls me a hot mess. I couldn’t imagine Jesus naming anyone a hot mess

In conversations with my kids, I’ve noticed phrases like:

That movie was sick. (They enjoyed the movie.)

I’m dying. (They are laughing.)

I was ghosted. (They were ignored.)

“The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18‬:‭21‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Words are powerful. They can bless and they can curse. 

Imagine Jesus standing in front of you, speaking to you. Would he use the same words you’ve spoken over yourself? 

“And never let ugly or hateful words come from your mouth, but instead let your words become beautiful gifts that encourage others; do this by speaking words of grace to help them.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4‬:‭29‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Death speak releases ugly thoughts and views. It decays ideals and breaks down truth. Imagine if our words were created with life? A life-spring would bubble all around us, spreading positivity and love. 

We believe what we hear.

I’m challenging myself to be mindful of what I speak over myself and to others.

Jesus doesn’t see me as a hot mess, why should I?


  1. Very important to remember how words can hurt or heal. Praise be to God!

  2. Speaking kindly about myself and to myself has been VERY difficult for me!! As I have been learning about my true value according to Jesus and His Word (Ephesians 1) I am catching my ugly words faster!!

  3. Being kind to ourselves is hard. For me anyway. This is a thought I just had during my quiet time past 2 mornings, quit rehashing what is already forgiven Shelly! We can use our own words to hurt ourselves sadly.
    Appreciate your provoking thoughts Megan.
