ABC’s of Jesus

Salem Missionary Baptist Church
Cliquot, Missouri 

Sometimes it is difficult for me to focus. The meme that talks about ducks and not being in a row describes me 100 percent. I can jump from one thought to another, to another, and back again so fast it can baffle my husband when we are talking. When I’m in my quiet time, it can be very challenging in my prayer.

When my family travels we take turns choosing an artist or a song based in the ABC game. For instance, one of my sons typically starts so he will choose a song title or an artist that begins with an A, then I would have B, and my husband would have C. It’s a fantastic road trip game that introduces the family to different songs and allows us to learn what our kids are listening to.

Notice my ducks are all over the place? You’re probably wondering what this has to do with Jesus.

I struggled immensely with focus while praying. I found it difficult to praise Him and to stay focused. A thought popped in my head, I feel it was Holy Spirit bringing this thought to me.

What about ABC’s of Jesus? So I praised the Lord in alphabetical order! Wow. I stayed focus, I remained in His presence and for once’s my ducks sat quietly.

Today I want to praise His name using the ABC game. I want to answer this question as if Jesus is asking me:

Who am I? 

A- anointed

B- blessing

C- compassionate

D- deliverer

E- eternal 

F- forever

G- grace

H- hope

I- immaculate 

J- joy

K-King of Kings

L- Lord of Lords

M- mighty

N- name above all others

O- omnipotent 

P- protector

Q- quencher

R- redeemer 

S- Shepard

T- teacher

U- unequalled

V- victorious 

W- worthy 

X- xenodochial

Y- yes and Amen

Z- zealous

Oh Lord-

You are my great defender and how I praise your name A-Z! My protector and friend. You are unequalled in all things, you bring joy and love, hope, and beautiful victory all in your name! You seek us and are zealous for your children. You tend your flock with promises that are never waivering. You present us with mercy and grace and fill us with eternal love forever and ever. Hallelujah! You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Thank you for quenching me and showering me in blessings. Joy, indeed, comes each morning. 


“All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! Amen.”

‭‭Jude‬ ‭1:25‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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