Faith Walk

Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge

Have you ever been walking around in your journey of life to just have a wall pop up and your paralyzed with decision making? Obviously I’m not asking this question literally, the walls I’m referring to are obstacles. The decisions are choices. My first thought is typically, “Why did I want to be an adult so fast?!”. 

Adulting is hard.

Or is it?

I’ve had a rough year. I lost my mom, dad, and an uncle. Before dad passed, we decided to live closer to him so we can help out and spend more time as we lived four hours away. After dad passed, my husband and I were lead to continue the move. It’s been a long journey but in this journey, my husband transferred to a troop he absolutely loves. I’ve been given opportunity to spend time with my grandma, whom turns 91 early June. There has been the beginnings in repairing deeply wounded relationships. I have learned what “being still” actually means. Blessings are overflowing.

There has been hardship. Pain. Hurt. There’s been times I have wondered why did we think moving was a great idea? And then I was reminded— James 1:3 states, “For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.” 

I have been referring to this journey as a “Faith Walk”. My husband and I have faced many obstacles: housing, living apart, trusting each other with money, etc. We learned right off that this is not our show. It has nothing to do with what we want. It’s all on the Lord’s time and His will. We must walk by faith. We must trust Him and completely pull ourselves out of the decision making. 

What does this reveal about God?

My husband and I are watching His promises unfold first hand. He promises He has plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11). He protects us as we are met with obstacles and try not to fall into pits of despair (Isaiah 43:2). We have had moments where we’ve thought we were drowning but He reminds us He’s there and we are safe, to be courageous (Joshua 1:9). He goes before us and is with us, just like He promised me in December during a quiet moment that He would find our house and to stop looking (Deuteronomy 31:8). He is light and our protector as we navigate times of uncertainty (Psalm 23:4). There will be peace as we remain in prayer and thanksgiving, to be still (Philippians 4:6-7).

In order to see His promises unfold on His time has been a complete stripping of our pride. Believe me, pride being stripped doesn’t always happen all at once. This has been a process! In this process I have truly understood what it means to walk by faith, not by sight. 

I believe the Lord has me, my family, and my relationship with my husband in His hands. The more I dive into God and His promises, adulting becomes easier. My endurance is strengthening, my faith is growing daily, my eyes are fixed on the God most high! Hallelujah! 

I believe my family’s Faith Walk is a beautiful testimony that God stays with us through thick and thin. He doesn’t leave us when we go against His will. He redirects us. He’s patient with us. He encourages us to have faith as small as a mustard seed! 

He encourages me to focus on His light each and every day.


Thank you for loving us so much that you go before us to provide protection. Thank you for revealing characteristics in ourselves that we must let go so we can fit more of you inside of our hearts. Thank you for your promises that are everlasting. I pray for blessings to continue to fall on our family. I pray we may shine your light so that others may see how beautiful walking by faith can truly be. May your light shine greatly upon all who I come into contact with today. 


 “for we walk by faith, not by sight”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

1 comment:

  1. What an incredible reminder to stay calm in him and trust his wisdom to guide us in the right directions!
