As Far As the Eye Can See

Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge

The past week has been one rainy, gloomy smudge. It rained. It sprinkled. It poured. Thunder boomed. Lightening lit up the sky. The temperature was chaotic. The mud took over walkways. The dogs are decorating the floor with their footprints. 




This week has been tough! The Lord never promises the walk will be easy. He does promise that He has a path for each one of us. He promises He will never leave us. He Promises He will go before us. We are not alone.

Today I needed to take a drive to another town for a vehicle inspection. The sun was shining as far as the eyes could see! I was given a beautiful image when a voice gently said, “Look at all the light touches, I am the light.” 


He touches everything. He loves us so deeply. You. Me. Everyone. 

As I was driving, I asked out loud, “But what about days when the sun is behind the clouds?” At that moment, Ryan Stevenson’s song “Amadeo” begins to play. And in that song He reminded me that He is still my God, on dreary and sunny days, He touches everything. He is the light, my hope.

As far as the eye can see, He is good and His love endures forever. 


Oh, I praise your name! Lord you are everywhere. You are my best friend, my advocate. You walk ahead of me and have beautiful plans for me. Thank you for loving me so much. I pray that on gloomy days I see your light. I pray that I’m a light to others. You are a good, good Father. 


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

1 Chronicles 16:34

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes a good drive is what we need, with a great passenger such as Jesus to get us back on his path.
