Trust Fall

Stockton Lake
Stockton, Missouri

What does it mean to trust? This question has been my quiet time question for a long time. So much goes into trusting things, actions, people. We become vulnerable! Things may not go as planned! Anxiety erupts! Fear takes over! Soon that feeling of being lost returns. Okay, maybe I’m only describing my experiences. 

God does not want us to experience trust that way. His promises do not give us strife or anxiety. He promises each one of us a plan. He says not to worry about food or drink but to focus on Him! He’s got us in His hands. Hallelujah!

So why not take the plunge and fall back into His hands? 


A very wise woman once explained to me that fear was an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. Isn’t that the truth?! When we give Him complete control over our lives, fear dissipates. It’s gone. The false evidence has no where to land. No place to create turmoil, breed anxiety, or whisper lies. But we have to let ourselves go and give all control to the God Most High. 

He cares for us. In times of trouble we must trust Him. (Nahum 1:7). What a beautiful promise and we know the Lord is a promise keeper. He loves us so much that he sent His only Son to die for our sins. In John 14:1, Jesus tells us not to let our hearts be troubled. Trust  in God, trust also in me. 

Remember, God will still love us when we allow fear to take over. There is mercy and there is grace. Ask Him for forgiveness if your words have left others wounded, then ask their forgiveness. It’s up to them to forgive you, you cannot make them. The more we live under His trust and His love, the easier it is to seek Him in everything.

No more fear. 

Take the trust fall. 

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.”

‭‭John‬ ‭14:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬


I praise your name! We both know why this verse was placed on my heart today. I thank you for loving me so deeply and for reminding me that fear is an illusion. I praise your name as you have counseled me in such a loving way today. I pray for peace in my heart. I pray for anyone struggling with trust, to seek you and find peace in your words, your promises.


1 comment:

  1. Lord thank you for giving us a place to shed our fear and the chance to carry your strength in all of our walks in life!
