Love Me Tender

Black Eyed Susan
Lovingly planted on the edge of my garden.

Words have power. The power to build up or the power to tear down. There is much truth in the saying that it takes a thousand attaboys to erase one put down. It also takes more muscles to frown than to smile!

Why is it easy to succumb to bitterness? Anger? Words that cut deep? I have often asked myself this question and I’ve discussed it with friends and family. We’ve discussed “building walls”, hiding feelings, and unresolved situations. 


Today, when I asked my husband this question out loud and was quietly waiting for his viewpoint, a gentle voice said to me, “it is easy because you’re not seeing me everywhere, in everything, in everyone.” 


That was deep.

How can I see God in anything if I’m full of bitterness? If I’m speaking angrily? The person I’m angry at is a creation of the Lord, no matter my anger. That does not change. 

God wants us to see Him in everything, everywhere, all of the time! He wants us to be close to Him, in relationship with Him, wearing His armor every day. Forget words having power because there is power in HIS name. 

When we see Him, keeping our eyes on Him, during the darkest of times, the power shifts towards His light. Tenderness is found, forgiveness is comforting, and kindness flows like a fountain. 

When we see Jesus in the one we are angry with, that is a game changer. How can you argue with Jesus? Call Jesus names? Be critical of Jesus? Instead, love that individual tenderly just as tenderly as Jesus calls you because He loves you. He loves me. He loves the one I’m angry at.

We all sin but that sin does not have to define us. I am choosing to look for Jesus every day. I am choosing to look for Jesus in everyone. Will I have a day or two where I may slip up? You bet. Jesus will not condemn me. I will ask His forgiveness and I will struggle to ask forgiveness of the individual I may have hurt (hey, I’m being honest). But, I know, Jesus will love me tender.

 “Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:31-32‬ ‭NLT‬‬


I praise your mighty name! There’s power in your name! Thank you for reminding me to see you in everything and everyone. Thank you for reminding me that even those who I seem to be butting heads with were created by you in YOUR image. Oh Lord- forgive me my critical heart and thank you for loving me tender. Thank you for reminding me to love others tenderly. 


1 comment:

  1. What an incredible message of inspiration and love for each other. I will re-read this when I need to love our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you Megan!!!
