
Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge
Auto Tour, 2020

I woke up startled. I didn’t sleep well last night. I needed to take my nephew to the bus for summer school. I quickly looked at the time and was in great relief, we were not late. Praise the Lord! As I waited for him to get ready, I was reading my morning devotional that asked me what do I choose each morning when I wake up, the world or God?

That’s a heavy question. Well, it shouldn’t be heavy if we are choosing God, right? But it was heavy to me because I have a list of choices that are not Him. First thing in the morning I think about what I need to do that day, what’s on Twitter, how’s Facebook doing, for a while it was all about the Johnny Depp trial, often times it’s making a to do list, and my list can keep going. Hey, I am being honest! 

While I’m being concerned about myself and what’s happening with people I don’t even know or celebrities who get far more recognition than they should; Jesus always goes ahead of me. He never abandons me. He leaves the 99 for me! 

Oh Lord, forgive me my priorities! 

Last night before falling asleep, I read this verse

 “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭31:8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

As I reflect upon that verse this morning and with the question regarding who do I choose each morning, a gentle voice told me to personalize it:

Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of Megan. He will be with Megan; He will neither fail Megan or abandon Megan. 

There is power in His words. 

He is with me always. Can I do the same? Seek Him each and every morning. Go to Him and let Him direct my to do list. Start fresh each new day resting with Him. Letting go of a trial that has nothing to do with me. I am not on Facebook much but I do check Facebook before I go to the Father as I start my day. Twitter- well, I must confess, I do get wrapped up in the world news and I do follow what’s happening around us. But, again, God says He goes ahead of me and do not be afraid.

My reflection brings peace and that peace comes with the realization that I cannot choose me or the world before choosing Him. There is peace when I take a step back and go to the Father first thing in the morning. 

He has guided me to this realization because He wants me to be face-to-face; moment-by-moment with Him always. 

He wants the same for you, too.

What will you choose?


Thank you for being everywhere, all knowing, meeting me at the right time and helping me understand what you want me to do. You want me to seek you first. Always. To let the world go and just rest in you. I have peace my to do list will be exactly what it needs to be, directed by You, not me. Thank you for reminding me to personalize your word. Thank you for loving me so much to direct my focus to you each morning. Joy comes in the morning! Hallelujah! 


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