
Mammatus clouds in Nodaway County, Missouri 

I love a good thunderstorm. The science of a thunderstorm is fascinating! The detail in which how all parts must work together to create a beautiful, thunderous storm places God in the top artist of all time! Wow. However, there’s one thing that I am not entirely excited about after a thunderstorm. 


It sticks to everything. It makes things dirty. It makes me dirty! It bogs me down and literally takes over. Next thing I know, I’m up to my knees in mud and I’ve lost my shoes and socks; I’ve got mud in my hair and on my face. I’m a mess. Try walking into the house looking like a mud monster. It’s a fast way to be kicked out and told to hose off outside!

However, Psalms 40:2 tells us that God doesn’t kick us outside and tell us to hose off. Instead:

 “He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭40:2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

God is walking along beside me, picking me up, mud and all! While I’m in my mess, He is right there helping and steadying me. What devotion! Would you walk beside your friend, who is in knee deep mud, and pull them out? 

Would you while wearing white?

No matter what is happening around me, I know the Father has me in His arms. I’m protected. I’m loved. I know this, but sometimes fear creeps in and holds me down. Sometimes I’m struggling and every other word is foul. Occasionally, I’m just angry. Okay- lately, that’s been more than occasional! Just ask my husband, poor guy.

But- this verse says “He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire.” He lifts me out of my messes. My ugly. My sin.

He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.” He steadies me like a loving parent steadies a newly walking toddler. He continues to walk beside me, never leaving me. Now, it’s up to me to make the choice:

Do I continue to walk in the mud or do I make the decision to turn away from my messes. 

I can choose:

Joy over bitterness.

Joy over anger.

Joy over fear.

I must remember that my weeping may be today, but joy will come in the morning (Psalm 30:5). 

His love endures forever!


Oh thank you for loving me while I’m in the mud. For picking me up and tenderly placing me steady on the ground. For cheering me on and promising that joy comes in the morning! For reminding me that I have choices and that when I choose You, I get to bask in your love and notice it! Your love is always with me, but when I choose anger, it takes me a while to recognize what you are providing. I pray to always choose joy. I pray Holy Spirit speaks over me as I struggle to choose. I pray to bask in your love forever and ever. Lord- I ask to be a light to others. 



  1. Lord help me use your strength to pull myself and others out of the mud and soak in the living water that makes us clean.
