DBJ Moment

Living moment by moment with Jesus is an absolute blessing. I get this incredible gift of sitting face to face with Jesus, praising Him. My focus is on what He has done and is doing in my life. I am still and listening for His voice, direction, sharing ways that I may connect with His flock. In this moment, my trust deepens even more. This morning I reflected on the following verse and sat with Jesus in a still moment:

  “Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:12 

Jesus asks me, "Who am I?" and my answer is He is the living water. He shows mercy. He is kind and patient. He is gentle and demonstrates humility. He has shown all of these to me over my lifespan and promises to continue to do so. He was all of this to me this week, all at once! I am reminded that I have been created in God's image, Genesis 1:27. I am called to be merciful, tender, kind, gentle, and to have patience, to demonstrate humility. I was shown that while I had a rough weekend: critical of others, impatient, quick to speak rather than listen, and other traits I am sure you can only imagine; He still provided tender moments, gentleness, kindness, mercy, and amazing understanding all coming from my husband. I saw Jesus in my husband.

Boy, am I hearing Jesus loud and clear! I was created in His image and I am called to be tender, kind, patient. In my struggle this weekend, I was not condemed. I was convicted, yes, but I also was given a front row seat to humility- a humbleness that I would have missed had I not taken my moment this morning to reflect on Jesus. To focus on who He is and what He does for me. I was given grace this weekend. It is my turn to continue what He is requesting: to clothe myself in tenderness and mercy, gentleness and humility, kindness. I may not like how things are but it doesn't give me the right to be a prickly pear. I am called to extend the same love that He has presented to me. I believe that the Lord is softening my heart. I believe that He will bring me peace when I feel anything but peace. I also believe He will encourage me to listen before speaking and give me recognition to speak gently. Thank you, Lord, for my husband. Thank you for the beautiful moment so that I can recognize how He was a faithful servant. Thank you for meeting me in my moment.

I am humbled by the moment we spent together. How precious the reminder that my husband presented loving characteristics of you and I was so in my own head that I missed it! Thank you for loving me so much and gifting me an incredible God fearing man.
Dianthus. Purchased by an FFA chapter at the school I taught at as annual. With tenderness and care, this picture is demonstrating a flower that should not have made it past its first year, now it’s on its third year of blooms. A reminder that when we clothe ourselves in Jesus’ image, beautiful blooms emerge beyond earthly expectations. 

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