Stuff & Things

Foxglove Beardtongue, Polk County, Missouri, June 2022

It is amazing how many things or people I allow to control me, have power over me. Occasionally I notice, but occasionally noticing is not enough. It opens the doors for more stuff to just take over. Have you looked at everything that takes over in your life? I did earlier and so much was revealed when I was in my quiet time. The most innocent of ideals can take the Lord’s place.

So, what if we shrugged it all off our shoulders? What if we let it all go? The things and stuff that is just consuming our time and getting in the way of our relationship with God, let it go! I know this blog will be of unpopular opinion and that is okay because Hebrews 13:6 reminds me that I am not to fear.

Netflix consuming your free time? Cancel it.

Ballgames consuming your summer to the point your only life is at the field and you’ve eaten McDonald’s every day of the week for dinner and your conversations with your kids have only been about the game? Reconsider the amount of games being scheduled and limit the consumption of go, go, go.

Work getting in the way of personal life? Cut back.

Have you looked at your screen time on your phone? Leave it alone and only pick up for a phone call.

Did your neighbor start the mower and now you’re running outside to mow? Resist.

That old saying, “keeping up with the Jones’” is the biggest peer pressure for adults that I can honestly say causes lots of pain. We should put that focus in Jesus’ teachings and dive in moment by moment with the Lord. 

Everything I listed above is from my list and there’s plenty more on my list! Today’s verse reminds me that I can let things go in confidence and if/when my family or friends say:

“What?! No Netflix?!”

“But the kids need to be busy...”

“Don’t you like your job?”

“Why didn’t you text me?”

“Hey neighbor, your grass is getting a little high.”

My response...

 “So we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Be bold and live fearless in Him.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What an amazing revelation about the “need” to keep up with others. Finding peace and contentment in these things is like any other addiction, seeking the high that you expect, only to become disappointed from its emptiness and leaving a path of destruction along the way. These things only distract us from true fulfillment we can reach by living in the words and praising Him for the wonderful gifts he has given us. Thank you for this message!
