Nothing Else Matters

Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge
September 2020

What defines us? 

A few years ago I would have answered that question with the typical:

- My job.

- How my children behave.

- How much money I make.

- The car I drive.

- The square footage of my house.

- The brand of clothes I wear.

- How many friends I have.

- How many followers I have on social media.

...and so many others not listed.

“Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord...”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Why are we allowing the world to define us? Our flesh to define us? Satan to define us? Now, that stops me in my tracks. Am I allowing Satan to define who I am? 

“for He delivered us and saved us and called us with a holy calling [a calling that leads to a consecrated life—a life set apart—a life of purpose], not because of our works [or because of any personal merit—we could do nothing to earn this], but because of His own purpose and grace [His amazing, undeserved favor] which was granted to us in Christ Jesus before the world began [eternal ages ago],”

‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭AMP‬‬

I love this version of 2 Timothy 1:9 that is simply reminding us that we are loved as we are, there’s nothing we can do to be loved more. His love defines us. I am defined by the Father’s love, His grace, His purpose. Nothing matters but Him.

Now, a few years ago I would have scoffed at that last sentence. What do you mean nothing matters but God? What about my family? My kids? 

Everything is a gift from above. My family. My kids. My husband. Jobs. Vehicles. Homes. Money. It all starts with the Father. So, I praise His name and give thanks for all things because I know I would have nothing. I was not placed on this earth to fulfill a legacy. Even in times of tribulation, I must praise in the waves. Rest my eyes on Him and allow Him to define who I am, for nothing else matters.

As Paul and Silas were jailed, bloody, chained they didn’t allow the idea of jail to define them. They didn’t give the jailers power to knock them down to complacency. They praised the Lord’s name, singing hymns, focusing on Jesus Christ. They didn’t complain or ask to be taken away from the madness. Their situation didn’t define them and they kept their eyes on the Father knowing that He was bigger than their very situation. 

What would it be like to live every day as Paul and Silas lived while in jail? To praise when money is tight? To praise when your job is stressful? What would it be like to live every day under God’s definition of who you are and nothing else? To let go of everything else’s viewpoint and rest in only Him?

Unbelievable peace.


Wow! You are bigger than all of our problems. Your love knows no bounds, it’s deep and wide. Thank you for saving us and calling us, for your grace and your mercy. I pray that hearts open to your voice and swell with your love. I pray for a worldwide heart change, so that we live defined by your love and not by our flesh. That we praise you and sing for you so that our own chains fall mighty and our bondages flee to the foot of the cross! You are a mighty God! Hallelujah!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this message that what we chase in this world is temporary, but God’s love is eternal.
