Joyful Prayers

 “Let joy be your continual feast. Make your life a prayer. And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus.”

‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:16-18‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Just the other day, verse 17 began my blog and now 16 and 18 begins today’s! I do believe the Lord is saying to rest on His word.

Thank you Lord for your faithful dedication.

When praying, do you celebrate that it’s been answered? Amen means “so be it”, so it would come to pass that a celebration would be appropriate, yes? But is that how we lead our prayer life? In celebration of our faith in Christ Jesus, joy in the words we’ve lifted up, knowing that His will IS done and the perfect plan for our lives are flowing as they should?

Well, this is why He wants me to rest in this verse not. I will firmly admit that I struggle. I pray and I take it back. I pray about something again then I “look for signs”. Then I wonder if I’ve prayed enough. Where is my pure faith?!

I’m stealing my own joy!

When I unwrap this verse I see: joy, prayer, thanks. Incidentally, joy is my “Word of the Year” for 2022. The Lord brought this word to me the dad my dad passed while listening to a song by for King & Country. 

The irony.

If you’re in the same boat as me, maybe we need to get out of the boat and rest our eyes on Him? Not be so worried about the boat...

Joy. Prayer. Thanks.

I will take joy in the words I lift to Him because I know He hears me. I will have faith for faith is having hope in something I cannot see. I will celebrate the plans He has for my prayers. I will give thanks for Christ’s blood that was shed for me, for all of us.

Even in my deepest, painful prayers, there is joy.

Now, that is worth a celebration and a thankful heart. 

Release the sorrow as you pray; instead pray joyfully knowing He hears you and He has you in His hands. 

We can fall asleep at night knowing that the Lord never leaves us on “delivered” and wake up joyful for the plans He has made for us. 

Live life in celebration of the joy He creates in our hearts.

Lift our prayers in a joyous voice, with a faithful heart.

Will you join me in this heart change?

I invite you to joyfully pray.

Nodaway Co, Mo


Thank you for the moment I had with you this morning. The reflection I’ve had all morning has been intense and exciting! I am humbled that you reminded me to get out of the doldrums of my own self and to lift my prayers up in a joyful noise. To be excited that YOU want to hear what I have to say! To be excited that YOU have me in your hands. That YOU have a plan for me. I have so many things on my heart and you brought me to a verse to remind me to lighten my load, to stop trying to control it all. To let it all go, let you do your thing, and to be joyful for you are hearing me. I lift all up in prayer that are going through the same thing. I pray they find your joy in their hearts so they may lift their voice in a joyful noise, too. To get excited for what you are doing, what you have done and what you will do. Hallelujah!



  1. Heart change is as hard or easy as we want it to be. Lord help with seeing the world in the manner that you yourself see it.

  2. This entry about Joy was so very hopeful (and joyful)! It made me think about paying more attention to my attitude as I get out of bed in the morning. I really appreciate your sharing this visit with God that you had!!
