
Polk County
July 2022

“ Past everything that is meant to stop you, is a major blessing. “

These words were spoken to me by someone I had just met out of necessity. How amazing to have these words spoken to me during a time when I thought I would lose all ability to focus on Jesus as the darkness was engulfing, suffocating. You never know how or when God will use others or an event to make His presence known. 

The other day was to be a momentous event for our family as we signed papers on a home that has been very much earned. The housing market is brutal. Long story short, we have had to hire many people just to get the house move-in ready. My heart was broken. My stress sky high. I cried. I cursed. Yes. I did. I wanted to walk away. 

In all of this, I’ve taken a moment to reflect:

- I have met an incredible woman who has prayed over my home as she’s cleaned.

- My husband’s coworker and wife came over to offer assistance and we prayed in the kitchen.

Blessings have been spoken over a house that I thought was going to become a nightmare. 

On our way home, my husband and I were listening to The Message and Sanctus Real came on reminding us that God “Won’t Let Me Go.” 

He won’t let us go.

He won’t leave us.

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.””

‭‭John‬ ‭16:33‬ ‭NLT‬‬

He brought us a moments peace with strangers standing in the kitchen, praying. 

“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I know one day I’ll look back at this moment in a different way. I’m getting there. As long as I continue to focus on Him, I can endure this hiccup. I’m very thankful for meeting the individuals that are continuously praying for us, as that does help make this ordeal sweeter. 

So if you’re going through something that is testing everything in your bones, take a moment and know that He is right in front of you. His eyes are on you and He wants all of your attention. Do not look right or left. Do not look up or down. Keep your eyes on Him and just allow Him to put the pieces of your puzzle in motion and together. 

Sing along...

“You're never gonna let me go (I know You won't)
Even in the darkest places (I know You won't)
Even when my heart is breaking (I know You won't)
Even when my faith is shaking
You're never gonna let me go”

The Lord is faithful.




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