Rescue Me

Have you ever had a day, maybe two, okay fine, three or four, that your actions were so far from who you claimed to be? How you’ve spoken to someone or reacted to something? You’re as shocked as everyone else, yet it’s like a train wreck that keeps coming!

I’ve lived this many times just recently. My first thought went to Matthew 12:34, “...for what is in your heart determines what you say.” I crumbled. I prayed. I asked for forgiveness. I asked for wisdom, clarity to understand why I’m lashing out. I asked for a continuation in softening my heart. 

Not long after, I was given beautiful time on the phone with an amazing friend. She reminded me my heart is still wounded and in pain. That I was to ask for healing. I was reminded to let go and cast it all to Him. A wonderful reminder and we all need that reminder, yes?

“The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34‬:‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

During my quiet time I was met with Psalms 34:19 reminding me that everyone faces troubles and the Lord rescues each and every time. There are no troubles that are bigger than Him. Grace is given in our pain. When we walk with Him and our friends and family are hurting and spewing nastiness, we can offer the same rescue in the form of grace. We can love them and pray with and for them asking the pain to leave and hearts to be healed. He reminded me that I can also do this for myself, offer grace. We are not called to be offended and we are not called to offend. We are called to love. 

I am humbled. 

I am loved.

Texas County, Missouri
Burning Bush leaf
October 2022


Thank you for loving me when my heart is lashing out in ugliness. Thank you for reminding me to pray about my heart condition, to let go of fear. I praise you, Lord, for being my great rescuer and defender of my heart. 


1 comment:

  1. Lord help me to realize those moments when I lash out, others see an ugliness that is not from you. An ugliness that can spread to others. Help me with this and to share your love.
